

To Lunch!

As promised, here is when and where the first meeting of
The Purple Stars will be--

Come have lunch with us on Saturday September 2nd at 1:00 PM at:

The Macaroni Grill
14331 Hall Rd
Utica, MI 48315
Phone: 586-532-1625

Please let me know if you are coming or not. I need to know by Thursday, August 24th. Call me or email me, or just leave your RSVP in a comment on this post . I know this is a Holiday weekend, so if you are going to be otherwise occupied on September 2nd, but are interested in The Purple Stars, let me know that too, so I can notify you of future meetings. All are, of course welcome, so spread the word!

The Purple Stars also has a Blog. You can get more details about our Chapter there:

Remember, The Purple Stars will be all about having fun in the way the members want to have fun. Everyone has a vote. Everyone will be a Star and can pick their own Royal title- Be Queen of Silly if you want to, or any other title you make up. And your first years dues are FREE!

Hope to see you soon!

Queen Sue
The Purple Stars


Dear Purple Gang Friends,

It is with sad heart I report that I will not be a part of The Purple Gang anymore. As those of you who attended the luncheon this month know, Max has, inexplicably, decided I am no longer welcome in The Purple Gang.

I still do not know exactly what unforgivable action on my part lead to her treating me this way, but I want you all to know, I tried my best to resolve this. I have been extremely happy to be a member of The Purple Gang, and value all the neat friends I have made. More than anything I wanted to continue meeting with you all the second Saturday of each month. After all else failed, I wrote Max and told her-- "I want to apologize for anything I might have said, done or failed to do, that caused you to get mad at me. I really and truly have never knowingly done anything against you. I thought you understood that all I have done for you and The Purple Gang was just because I wanted to help, and not for any other reason." I also said-- "I would still like to sit down and talk to you about whatever issues are between us. I valued your friendship, and do not want to lose it." --And I still mean it.

Unfortunately, Max replied with a very insulting e-mail, stating among other things that she would not accept my apology. Still mystified at Max's actions, it was at that point I took the suggestion of others that I start a Red Hat Society Chapter. Thus began The Purple Stars, and it was as the founding Queen of The Purple Stars that I went to Bobby Mac's and asked Max in person to tell me what terrible thing I had done. I was still hoping to resolve our differences and remain a member of The Purple Gang, but it was to no avail.

So, farewell. I will not be posting anything on this Blog again, other than the notices for The Purple Stars meetings or other functions. If any of you would like to post Purple Gang information and pictures, please get in touch with me and I can add you as a contributing member of this blog.

Your Friend,


PS-- As far as I am concerned the only reasons to ask someone to leave an organization after they have been a member is -- Arrest and conviction of a felony-- Theft from the Chapter or members -- Telling lies about members of the Chapter -- Violence toward another chapter member-- flagrant and repeated breaking any of the few rules the Red Hat Society has for the Chapters-- and of course, failure to pay dues when able and when they are due, after many warnings of course. What do you think?



Did not think I would ever do this. That is become Queen of a Red Hat Society Chapter, but circumstances change. Several people have encouraged me to do it. So from now on I am Queen Sue of The Purple Stars. Get it? My last name starts with Star. LOL And anyway, I also wanted a Chapter where everyone is a STAR.

The Purple Stars will be all about having fun in the way the members want to have fun. Come and join us for lunch. You can still be in the Purple Gang, of course. We, tentatively will be meeting on the first Saturday of each month, at 1:00 o'clock. Sounds familiar, I know, but why mess with a winning formula. Don't know where the first meeting will be yet, but I will make an announcement here on The Purple Gang blog, on THE PURPLE STARS blog, and via e-mail to all who are interested as soon as I have it arranged. If you have any suggestions, let me know. E-mail me at: And one other thing, to help get my group off to a good start, the first year membership is dues FREE.

Don't forget, the Purple Gang meets this Saturday at Bobby Macs Bayside (Old Buds)
8287 Dixie Highway, Fair Haven (586-725-5602).



I know it seems we were just there, at least those of us who went on the Clinton River Cruise, but for the rest of you, it has been a year.

It's July, time to go to Captains Landing. So join us
there for fun and frivolity, and lunch of course.

Be sure to contact Max and let her know you are coming. See you there!

Oh, and you can click on the title of this posting for directions and more information. You who have email will have received your invitation from the Contessa of Electronic Communications---me.



Her Royal Majesty, Queen Max, has decreed that Saturday will signal the end of our Winter-Spring Secret Sister Session. And a new one is to begin then. So----

We will be saying good bye to our Secret Sisters this Saturday, June 10. Anyone interested in drawing for a new Secret Sister should bring a 3 x 5 card with information for their new SECRET SISTER. Birthday, address, hobbies, favorite colors, anniversary, etc., etc., etc.

Just as a gentle reminder, it does not require a gift every month, BUT you certainly should send a little card, cartoon, S O M E T H I N G to let her know that she is in your thoughts. The Summer-Fall session will go from July through December.

Be sure to give Queen Max the name of your NEW SECRET SISTER. There is sometime confusion, or someone forgets who they drew.


DO NOT FORGET-- Give your 3 x 5 card to Mary so we can draw the new names.

H A V E F U N.


It is sure DISAPPOINTING when you hear nothing from your SECRET SISTER. So do not be a donkey--
Send a card, even an e-card, to your Secret Sister every month. Click here- SECRET SISTER E-CARDS or on the title for E-cards.



It is just a three hour cruise.

If you signed up for the Clinton River Cruise, don't forget to board the Clinton Friendship at 11:30 Am. We will ship out at 12:00 Noon and return to dock at 3:00 PM. A great time was had the last time we all cruised. We expect the same great time this time. In any case, the food is always good. Click on the picture of the Clinton Friendship if you want to see the menu for out cruise.

See you there Mates




Our June 2006 Luncheon meeting on the Saturday the 10th will be at The Tin Fish Resort. If you want all the information possible, follow the 'hot' link of the title of this posting.

Check out the ahead of time

Dining Out The Detroit News Friday, July 26, 2002
By Jane Rayburn / Detroit News Restaurant Critic

Tin Fish Resort, 10069 Dixie Highway, New Haven; (586) 725-7888. With three outdoor tiered decks, a raucous Tiki Bar and nearly floor-to-ceiling windows, you feel like you could fly straight over Anchor Bay, all the way to the horizon. It is stunning in the extreme, smashingly water-themed but without a whit of kitsch. Fish, the live kind, even swim among the absolute bottles. The kitchen serves lakeside landmarks like prime rib on weekends, but there are surprises too. Don't miss the spicy pasta trio, the carnivorous overload of steak Oscar or the angels on horseback appetizer.



On May 13th, Cracklewood Golf Club had their raffle for Eisenhower High School again and we had our May luncheon there at the same time, like we did last year.

This yearly event is becoming a highlight for The Purple Gang. Last year, someone had coincidentally donated a Red Hat item for the raffle. When they realized The Purple Gang would be very interested winning this Red Hat item, they sold tickets for it just to our members, so one of our Red Hatters would win this prize. This year someone provided a Red Hat prize just for us on purpose this time. There was a nice basket with a furry purple hat and other Red Hat items.

And the winner was one of our May birthday celebrants, seen here in her lovely hat.

In fact we had several May birthdays. Here is another in a Birthday Hat--

Happy May birthday to Dee and Lucy. If I missed any other May birthday, let me know.

As the raffle went on, we continued to have fun. Here are a few more pictures from Cracklewood.

The lady in pink is my friend, Sharon. I have been trying to get her to come to one of our luncheons for quite some time. I found out she had the wrong idea about our Gang. Sharon thought we dressed up to the nines, and just had tea. Not very exciting.

Sharon was happy to find out that description does not match our chapter. After the luncheon, Sharon declared she had the best time she ever had with a bunch of ladies. She has already bought another pink hat at a yard sale, and will be back. Thank you all for welcoming her so nicely.

And how about that young man who bought so many raffle tickets, 100 in all, and kept winning? From across the room, I thought he was one of the high school lads, and he does look exceedingly young, but he is a bit older than my 34 year old son, and owns a heating and cooling company. I stopped and asked him when I could expect to see all his items on eBay. He laughed and said he had to take them all home to his wife and see what she wants to do with them first.

See you at the June meeting. Don't forget the June 19th River Cruise. If you have not signed up yet, contact Queen Max to see if there is time yet.



Well, I for one, stuffed myself with pizza, ribs, musticholi, salad, and all manner of good things to eat. After all, it was my birthday month. I checked, there is only one other person in The Purple Gang that has a birthday in April, Lil Anderson. Happy Birthday Lil, sorry you did not come to our April luncheon.

I think everyone had a good time at the Cloverleaf. We even got to sing Happy Birthday to a nice young man who actually raised his had when Mary asked if there was anyone else with an April birthday, a recent graduate from Chippewa Valley High School.

Thank you, everyone who was kind enough to honor me with a card and or a birthday present. Did you know I almost got more presents then were meant for me? It seems that as there were some gift bags at my place before I got there, and some folks seeing them, thought that was where they were suppose to put the little gifts they brought for Secret Sisters.

Good thing I got a little suspicious. There were just too many presents on the table in front of me. I just knew I was not that popular, so I read the outside of the envelopes and found that most of the presents in front of me were not for me at all.

I would like to have added some pictures to this posting, but if I have some, I cannot find them, and of course, I forgot my camera as usual. If any of you have pictures of our April luncheon, e-mail them, snail mail them or pass them over when you next see me and I will post them on our blog.



Yes, we are going to be at the Cloverleaf this month. By now, you should have gotten an e-mail from the Contessa, me, informing you of the time, date and address. If you have not received notice, send me a note in the comment area of this posting, with an e-mail address for you and I will send you a copy of the notice that went out earlier this week. Hope to see you all there. I will be the Easter Bunny sitting there. At least, that is what my Dad and Mom called me. I was their little Easter Bunny as I was born on Easter 59 years ago April 6th.

Remember, Max, our Queen has decreed that anyone wishing to attend our luncheon RSVP either by e-mail or by phone by NOON of the Wednesday before our luncheon if you want to attend or not.



St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in the Green Street Tavern this year as The Purple Gang added green to their wardrobe.
Would you believe that I am Irish? I know we are all Irish on St. Patrick's Day, but even though I have a Yugoslav name, I am part Irish. My mother's family is English, Irish and Scottish. Though, truth be told my Irish ancestors were orange men, and would not have worn the green of St. Patrick on his day.

If you have any pictures of our March get together feel free to send them along to me for posting. Again, I did not bring my camera. I find I have so much fun, I forget to take pictures anyway if I do remember it. However, I will try to remember in the future.

I must have had a good time at our March luncheon, I don't remember much of it. Well Erin Go Bra to you all, and Happy Birthday to our March birthday gals. Jeanette, Gail and Gertrude. If I left you out, let me know.



You see, I can be early. This posting is for our February Luncheon. It will be on Feb. 11 at O'Charley's 45225 Marketplace Blvd, Chesterfield Township. Of course, I will send you all an e-mail to remind you, but here is something to pour over between now and then, the menu: **To read the menu, just click on the menu below then click on it again. It should show up big enough to read. Let me know if it does not.


On January 14th, get all fired up and meet us at Big Al's Fire House 49035 Schoenherr, Shelby Township. Your Contessa of Electronic Communication has been a bit under the weather the past couple of weeks, so apologizes for not posting this meeting earlier. I know you all have called or e-mailed our Queen, Max your intentions to either attend or not, but here is the menu for your perusal anyway. Hope to see you all there.

**To read the menu, just click on the menu above then click on it again. It should show up big enough to read. Let me know if it does not.